Power Electronics Laboratory


About Power Electronics Laboratory

The research interests of the Power Electronics Laboratory are in the broad area of Electrical Energy Generation, Conversion, and Storage. In particular, we are interested in High Power Electronics Technologies for Medium Voltage applications, those operating with voltages in the kV range, currents in the kA range, and powers in the MW range. Power Electronics is one of the critical enabling technologies for future energy systems, as it offers unprecedented flexibility for integrating and controlling various electrical sources, storage elements, or loads into the grid. This is equally valid for the present-day AC grids and emerging concepts of DC grids, or an inevitable mix of both soon.

To achieve controllable, reliable, and efficient electrical energy conversion utilizing advanced power electronic converters, we optimally use, but also influence and drive forward, advancements in different areas. These multidisciplinary considerations include power semiconductors (e.g. Si, SiC, GaN), passive components (e.g. magnetics), insulation materials, mathematical modeling, simulations and optimization of power electronic systems, advanced control methods, etc.

Upcoming Events

APEC 2025, March 16 – 20, 2025, Atlanta, GA

Ms. Gaia Petrillo will present a paper: “Comparative Assessment of Inductance Modeling for PCB-based Circular Spiral Coils in Inductive Power Transfer System”.

Mr. Zhenchao Li will present a paper: “Performance Evaluation of Isolated DC/DC Stage in Modularized Bridge Rectifier Solid-State Transformer”.

Dr. Rui Wang will present a paper “Integrated Short-Circuit Protection Design Based on Dual-Channel Gate Driver for Series Connected Medium-Voltage SiC MOSFETs”

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